- All students will be proficient in Math and RLA as measured by high stakes testing.
- MVMS will continue to work to provide a safe, clean, and positive school environment.
- MVMS will work to involve parents and the community in meaningful ways at our school.
Parent Involvement Plan and Compact
The Parent Involvement Plan will be developed and agreed upon with parents of participating Title I students. A school-parent compact will also be developed between the school and parents as it is a requirement for all children who participate in Title I activities. The Parent Involvement Plan and Compact will be posted online and distributed via the Student/Parent handbook.
All public schools in California are required to annually prepare SARCs and disseminate them to the public. SARCs are intended to provide the public with important information about each public school and to communicate a school's progress in achieving its goals. English and Spanish copies of the SARC will posted on the District website and Site website. Hard copies will be made available upon request.
School Site Council
The elected members of the SSC represent parents, students, community members and school staff in school governance. By state law, the SSC must oversee the site-based budgeting of categorical funds and the development and monitoring of the SPSA, The SSC is expected to:
Los miembros elegidos por votación para el consejo escolar (SSC) representan a los padres, estudiantes, miembros de la comunidad y personal de la escuela. Por ley estatal, el SSC debe supervisar el presupuesto de los fondos categóricos que la escuela recibe y debe desarrollar y monitorear el Plan para el Logro Académico de los Estudiantes (SPSA). Las expectativas para SSC son: