Parent Survey/ Encuesta para padres Help us to improve by completing this survey for parents.Ayudenos a mejorar completando esta encuesta para padres.
Monte Vista needs volunteers Help is always welcomed. If you are interested please email [email protected]Ayuda siempre es bienvenida. Para mas informacion contacte a Vianca por correo electronico [email protected]
Picture Day 8/23/23 Picture day will be taking place on August 23rd. Every student will get their picture taken, please plan accordingly.
GDA Presentation: Bullying & Cyber Bullying Join us via Zoom on August 21st at 9am, learn more about bullying, cyber bullying, depression and anxiety.
Interested in joining cheer? Please attend this mandatory meeting on August 16th at Room F119, 2:30-245PM
First day of school We are excited for the 23-24 school year! Can't wait to see new faces and welcome back returning students. Class will start at 8am. Thursday Aug 3rd and Friday August 4th students will be dismissed at 1PM. Thank you!
Vaccination opportunities If your child is missing any vaccinations, take advantage of this opportunity and schedule an appointment. Especially if your child is an incoming 7th grader that is missing the TDAP vaccine.
Back to School Night Come join us Wed August 2nd, any time from 5:00-6:30PM. Have the opportunity to meet your child's teachers and meet the staff.
Noche de Regreso a la escuela Conozca a los maestros de su hijo/a y a nuestro personal. Tambien venga para aprender mas sobre el nuevo año escolar. Miercoles 2 de Agosto de 5:00-6:30
Summer School Summer camp will be starting June 6th-July 12th (Monday-Thursday) with different time options that work best for your family. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school.
Encuesta familiar de primavera del 2023 El propósito de esta encuesta es que permitirá la oportunidad de proporcionar información valiosa y asistirá a la escuela y a el distrito a identificar las áreas fuertes y las áreas en las que es necesario el crecimiento. Por favor ayude a responder antes del 17 de Marzo. Muchas gracias!
Pre-Order yearbook! Last chance to order yearbook for $15, buy before April 7th. Prices will go up to $20 starting on April 17th.