Actualizacion de noticias del Departamento de Consejeria Informacion actualizada sobre el Programa de Orientacion y Consejeria.
Bobcat End of Year Schedule Parents, please check our 6th and 7th grade drop off schedule for next week
Student Online Meeting Expectations Students will log into the Clever Portal and Google Classroom each day to participate in live online instruction, online activities, and assignments for each of your classes. (Attendance will be taken everyday.)
Student Schedule Clarity/Horario del estudiante Please check the files below for a clear schedule explanation.
PAPER IS HERE!!! Online Tutoring 24/7 PAPER is an online 24/7 tutoring resource that will help your students with their assignments. Follow the links for more information.
JOIN OUR SCHOOL MESSENGER Please see the attached information to opt in for text alerts from the school.
Registration Information for 2021/2022 School Year Please read the link below on how to register your student for the upcoming school year 2021/2022
SCHOOL YEAR 2021/2022 INFORMATION We are excited to announce that Monte Vista Middle School will be open for full day instruction for the start of the 2021/2022 school year. Here are some key points to help students to prepare for the in person instruction.
WELCOME TO MONTE VISTA 21/22 Please click the link below to meet your new campus! See you on August 5th @7:25am!
TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Families if you would like your student to be put on the list for transportation from where "OLD MONTE VISTA" used to be to our new location. Please follow the link, and sign up your student.
Virtual Coffee with the Principal every 1st Thursday of the month!! Hello Bobcat families, please join us every first Thursday of the month to our Virtual Coffee with the Principal. Come and learn what is going on at Monte Vista.
NAMI FAMILY TO FAMILY VIRTUAL CLASSES 9/21/21 NAMI Mt. San Jacinto, the local organization of the National Alliance on Mental Illness will offer a NAMI Family to Family education program starting September 21st
Congratulations Jaliyah! Hello Bobcat Families!!!We proudly present the winner of the SJHS Four Direction Club Native American Heritage Art Contest: Ms. Jaliyah Grant, 6th grader won in the category of "Original Artwork" Congratulations Jaliyah on your beautifully creative artwork!!!
Round Table Talk with Mr. Wallace/ Charlas con el Sr. Wallace Come learn strategies to help better support your student!
2021-2022 Parent Presentation Series - Tobacco-Use Prevention Education/ Educación para la Prevención del Uso de Tabaco Serie de Presentación para Padres 2021-2022 The Riverside County Office of Education is pleased to offer a series of amazingly-relatable topics that help parents and caregivers deal with today's challenges in raising healthy children and teens.La Oficina de Educación del Condado de Riverside se complace en ofrecer una serie de temas asombrosamente relatables que ayudan a los padres y cuidadores a enfrentar los desafíos de hoy en la crianza de niños y adolescentes saludables.
Virtual ELAC Meeting / Junta Virtual de ELAC Please join the virtual meeting to become better informed on your child’sEnglish Language Development and how you may help your child at home!¡Por favor de participar en la reunión virtual para estar mejor informado sobre eldesarrollo del idioma inglés de su hijo/a y cómo puede ayudar a su hijo en casa